Boy mom · Kids Activities · Little Guy · Monster · Sports

I’ve become a Soccer Mom

Its official…I’m a soccer mom. The days of running around and shuttling my kids to practices, games, lessons and meetings has begun. Being a soccer mom also means I’ve been promoted to chauffeur, bag lady, hydration specialist, drive thru regular and #1 fan. As any parent who has or had younger children knows, I’m only at the beginning. I know once we add in a fall sport another one follows in the spring (probably T-ball) and then he’s adding swim lessons, CCD, music lessons and any clubs he decides to join. Then to top it off we add Monster into the rotation of events in a couple years. I can see the huge family calendar of events on the fridge already.

bag lady
I’ve become a bag lady and yes, they all serve a purpose


I love that Little Guy wants to get involved in activities though and I’m willing to spend the gas money shuttling him and his brother around because it teaches him teamwork, sportsmanship, having a positive attitude, coping with losing, falling down and getting back up, and most importantly…it wears him out!

I swear he’s like the energizer bunny these days. He keeps going and going and going. He never stops. He’s four so I know he’s got a lot of energy but he’s always moving. Does he sit down and color ever? Nope. Does he practice his writing or cutting? Nope. Does his sit and read books? Nope. He never sits down. He’s on the go at all times. And then Monster is tagging along behind him trying to do everything he’s doing. It’s exhausting just watching the two of them! I love getting outside and going for walks or the park, playing soccer or pitching him balls in the backyard. But there are times I want to sit in the backyard and enjoy an adult beverage while they play by themselves peacefully. That may have been a pipe dream I had while wearing a yellow dress at a wedding though…

He keeps going and going and going and going and going and going…


Anyway, I was getting very nervous a few months ago when we were getting to the point of him only napping 50% of the time. When he didn’t nap he still went to his room to “rest” quietly but after an hour or so we’d let him come downstairs. I was considering taking away his nap (I must have not been thinking clearly) since he wasn’t napping much anymore.

Enter soccer and BOOM! 3-hour nap later and we are back in business!

connor soccer
My little soccer star!


Practices are once a week and games are on Saturday Mornings. After the game we walk over to play at park or splash in the splash pad and by the time we get home and eat lunch he is walking upstairs by himself and climbing into bed. Its glorious! He gets to get his energy out and play with kids his own age and ability.

reed splash park
Reed’s manning the button at the splash park.


So I’m ok with being a “soccer mom” or any activity mom for that matter. It keeps my kids having fun and meeting other kids. It also keeps me sane when I get that 2-hour window of peace on Saturday and Sunday.

reed back yard nose
Reed was supposed to be picking weeds in the garden…At least I got to enjoy my drink 🙂

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